


Head & Neck Pain

Neck pain, Headaches, Migraines, Muscle strains, Cervical disc disorders, Thoracic outlet syndrome, TMJ pain, Whiplash, and more.

Arm & Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain, Shoulder impingement, Frozen shoulder, Rotator cuff tendinitis, Shoulder bursitis, Scapular dysfunction, Elbow pain, Medial epicondylitis, Lateral epicondylitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Radiating pain, Thoracic outlet syndrome, DeQuervainโ€™s tenosynovitis, Nerve entrapment, Wrist and hand pain, and others.

Leg & Hip Pain

Hip pain, Thigh pain, Hip impingement, Piriformis syndrome, Radiating pain, Muscle strains, Hip and knee bursitis, Knee meniscus pain, Knee pain, IT band syndrome, Patellar tendinitis, Shin splints, Patellar tracking disorders, Osgood-schlatter disease, Calf pain, Achilles tendinitis, Ankle pain, Ankle sprains, Plantar fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Foot neuroma, and more.

Pelvic & Back Pain

Upper back pain, Low back pain, Pelvic pain, Lumbar disc, Disc bulges, Disc herniations, Sciatica, Groin pain, Scoliosis, and others.

Womenโ€™s Health Conditions

Prenatal strengthening and postpartum rehab, Pregnancy-related back pain, Postpartum back pain, Nursing-related back pain, Diastasis rectus abdominus (abdominal separation), Urinary incontinence, Dysmenorrhea (painful periods), Painful intercourse, Pelvic floor pain, Pubic symphysis pain, Pelvic pain, and more.



We understand that certain populations need specific types of chiropractic care. At Midwest Movement, weโ€™ve equipped ourselves with the tools to provide the best care for those populations. 


Has there ever been a time when a coach tried to change up your mechanics or get you into a certain position and just couldnโ€™t do it but had no pain? As former athletes we both can attest to this happening. These are more than likely physical limitations that we can help with! We have thorough assessments in place to figure out these limitations. (See FMS, TPI, OnBaseU.)


With all of the joint and ligament changes that go on during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, usually more than chiropractic adjusting is needed for a full recovery. We are trained to assess womenโ€™s musculoskeletal health conditions and implement stabilizing strategies through home exercises to maximize your improvement. (See Birthfit, DNS.)


Infants and children are not adults, so we donโ€™t treat them like adults. Young children havenโ€™t been exposed to chronic postural stress or had time to develop tight and tender muscles and joint restrictions, so the typical treatments for adults (like chiropractic adjusting and muscle release) often wonโ€™t be needed in the same way. We know how to evaluate pediatric movement development, and we use gentle and effective chiropractic adjustments and movement corrections to rehabilitate children into appropriate motor patterns. (See DNS.)


Arenโ€™t sure if we can help you?

Chiropractic consultations are always complimentary!

Give our office a call at (402) 256 6683 or send us an email and weโ€™d be happy to chat to see if weโ€™re the right people to help you.


Video Library

Our video library includes videos that we believe can be informative, useful with certain conditions and common exercises we prescribe.

Check out our YouTube page for more videos and information.